Creativity. That is exactly what Unread is about. Life gets very busy – we all have somewhere to be, something to do or a deadline to meet. Undoubtedly, forgetting about those little things that bring joy to our everyday. Being happy, feeling fulfilled is a big part of keeping our mental wellbeing intact and in the green zone, but it can be hard.

Now you’re here, stop and think for a second.

Think about the activities, the hobbies or the events that make you smile.

We all have that one thing that we enjoy doing. Whether or not we are a pro at it, it is something we look forward to doing. For many it is writing, for others, it is drawing or photography and for some, it is travelling and appreciating the beauty and wonders of the world.

At Unread, we gather like-minded creative individuals to inspire you to do or keep doing what you love.

For us, writing is not only a form of expression, it is our passion and as a team, we bring to you beautifully crafted pieces and features to motivate you to keep delving into the creative bank you no doubt harbour.

We bring to you all kinds of wonders, hobbies and every kind of creative – maybe some you may not have heard of – and lay them out for you to investigate and enjoy.

We don’t stop at creative wonders, no!

Unread magazine offers a wide variety of carefully constructed pieces directly to your phone, laptop or tablet. Academic advice, inspiring interviews, deep-thought pieces, reviews of best-seller books, creative writing, stunning photography and travel guides are only a few of the things we cover in this publication.

Unread is unique. It is different, and it brings to you unheard voices, itching to be heard.

We want to empower you to go out there and clasp every opportunity possible. We want to show you that there is a world out there waiting to be conquered.

Why Unread?

Because every single one of our writers is unique – with their own experiences and outlook on life. The very words they write for you are unique. You won’t read those experiences anywhere but here.
That is why, we are the Unread.